Journey to Inner Peace


Find your true self and become bliss.


You will use cannabis, a medical plant legal in Thailand, as a tool to enhance your awareness by amplifying the energy flowing through your body. Afraid? Then you came to the right place. I will prepare you to overcome your fears and be at peace.

  • Intent: Set your boundaries and desires.
  • Question reality: What is time, life, our universe, our thoughts? What created all this? Are you a deep consciousness or an artificial intelligence?
  • Define your ego: What image do you project onto yourself and others? Do you like it?
  • Destroy your ego: Question yourself and release all attachments. You are not bound by your culture. Who really hides beneath your belief system? Are you truly alone or do you speak to yourself? Which personalities live inside you? Love yourself deeply.
  • Be aware: Pause, listen, meditate. What surrounds you? What senses do you use? Become aware of your body. Feel the energy. Connect with your body. Self-Reflect. Align your deep subconscious with your superficial consciousness. Connect with yourself. Become whole. Be your true self.
  • Feel yourself: Become aware of your senses, feelings. emotions, and thoughts. Can you control them? Can you let them go? Can you feel the deep inner force that drives your existence?
  • Energy: Guide your consciousness deeper and wider. Feel the energies.
  • Imagine: Play with the flow and let your imagination run wild. Welcome to a new world of senses.
  • Reality: Breath and relax. Come back to reality. Can you separate reality from your imagination?
  • Stop time: Be in the present. Dive into the void. Feel the pure energy. Become real.
  • Bliss: You are free, at peace, endless.

Tools & Workshops

  • Truth: Explore the depths of philosophy, religion, and science in the quest for truth. What is intelligence?
  • Tribe: Explore different ways of thinking. How much of your tribal culture influences who you are?
  • Drill: Engage in mayeutic exercises, asking "Who? What? Why? How?" to peel back layers of bias and gain insight into your core foundation.
  • Cannabis: The fears and benefits of psychotropics. The importance of set, setting, and dosage. Use cannabis to enhance your sensitivity, creativity and thoughts by amplifying the energy flowing through your body.
  • Meditation: Breathe. Calm your mind. Be aware.
  • Alignment: Foster a connection between mind and body, aligning your energies through focused physical and mental practices.
  • Expression: Use the heightened energy flow from cannabis to unlock and unleash your creative potential.
  • Empathy: Focus on giving and receiving love, celebrating self-love and the love for others, deepening emotional connections.
  • Massage: Relax and enjoy the soothing touch.


  • 4 days/nights: Explore the benefits of cannabis. 
  • 6 days/nights: Explore edibles. Learn cannabis oil and butter cooking.
  • 14 days/nights: Professional course covering cannabis production to distribution. Includes seven massages. 


Beach and nature in a peaceful haven.

Group Size 

Maximum of 8 participants.


Laurent. Photo + Bio.